7 Things to Do Before the First Date

The first date is always special, isn’t it?

It causes flutters in the stomach and unleashes sleepless nights on most. Rosy thoughts cloud the mind, and everything feels magical. You’re about to meet someone special and start a very beautiful journey together – this alone keeps you in a trance-like situation for days on end. So, naturally, as the day approaches, a sense of positive panic sets in because we have lots of expectation leading up to the day and we want to live up to them.    

To avoid any mistake on the first date, it’s better to plan everything well in advance, from dressing to restaurant to gift etc. After all, when you’re ready for the day, it will take away all anxiety as well. So, take your preparation seriously and make the first date as much success as you want it to be.    

Here are some of important things to do before the first date: 

1. Plan your outfit

On a first date, you are going to wear something that makes you look your best. Good outfit is always important. It is one that makes you, or helps you feel confident. To leave that outfit decision for the last day can lead to needless stress when you should be feeling good. So, it’s always better to decide in advance what to wear. This way, you can keep ready your favourite dress for the occasion and strike right notes.  

2. Be well-groomed

Reaching on a date well-groomed is an etiquette that always pays handsome rewards. So, take a hair cut a day or two before the day and try to shave just hours before leaving the house for the date. Being well groomed will make your more desirable to opposite sex, so you’d not want to ruin their experience by reaching them without haircut and shave. And yes, sport the same hair cut that fits well with your personality – don’t try something different in the last moment.    


3. Finalize the location in advance 

A good date is all about experience. So, make sure the selection of location is spot on. It’d be better if the place selected is mutually agreed upon by both the parties to the date to avoid any inconvenience. Whether you both want to meet at a multiplex or some restaurant or a park, to know in advance can save lots of hassles and free up time to focus on other key matters. 

4. Have cash and card ready for the occasion 

Just imagine how much embarrassing it would be to get your card declined on a first date. To avoid such sticky situations, it’s better to check on your back account and card limit before venturing out on a date. You got to have both- card and enough cash for the evening (so that if some place doesn’t accept card). When you’re loaded with money fit for the occasion, it will make you feel confident.  

5. Plan your conversation topics 

Conversations are always the key to having a successful date. In fact, they are also the difference between failed and successful date. When you meet someone for the first time, it is always tough to decide what to talk and what not. There are some subjects never to open on a date like the past and like asking too intimate questions of each other. The focus should be on keeping the conversations light and in the present to not let awkward silences make a way in.   

6. Do some background check 

Let the excitement of a first date don’t blindfold you the real picture where you’re dining out with a complete stranger with not much knowledge about him/her. That would be bad on your part as having some information about that other personal can work well when you meet in person. With social media and other sites around, it’s quite easy these days to run some background check and get info of anyone. So, do this to have a desired experience on the date.

7. Keep the expectations low

Approaching a date with lofty expectations is never a good idea. When you’re going on a first day, the thought of meeting a new person and forging a lifelong relation is obvious. Most people even chalk out complete plan before going on the date, which is like building a castle of sands. The best strategy is – take it step by step as relationships are not built over time and they need dedication and energy to sustain the early flicker of excitement.

What would you like to do first from these and which sounds fun to you? Do let us know in the comments below.

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